

Looks like I broke the showing of empty and complete items in clrmameUI 0.3 ...get a fixed one here



clrmame 0.2 released

Happy New Year! I've spent some time on core improvements, mainly new threading and handling edge cases (e.g. dats with thousands of dupes). Read more. Changes also mentioned on the forum.

You want to donate...

clrmamepro is totally free and you don't have to donate anything. Since a lot people asked me how they can donate something, I added a PayPal account.

Thanks a lot for all kind of donations. Your support is highly appreciated.



Here you can download the latest version of the new clrmame.

clrmame 0.3.1 (zip) (4.73mb)

Here you can download the latest version of (old) clrmamepro.

clrmamepro 32bit 4.049 (zip) (5529kb) clrmamepro 32bit 4.049 (exe) (3932kb)
clrmamepro 64bit 4.049 (zip) (6137kb) clrmamepro 64bit 4.049 (exe) (4640kb)

How to use this piece of software...

clrmame readme with all needed information can be found here

Unfortunately for old clrmamepro, there is only a clrmamepro 3.x documentation floating around here

In the meantime tutorials might help you:


Good old ZipMax

Here you can download the latest version of ZipMax. It's not being developed anymore.

Read the how2compile.txt & copyright.txt before compiling zipmax. Both files are available in the archive.

You may need 7zip's zip program to use it. Here you can also download Ben Jos Walbeehm's Tools:


History can be found here.