clrmamepro is totally free and you don't have to donate anything. Since a lot people asked me how they can donate something, I added a PayPal account.
Thanks a lot for all kind of donations. Your support is highly appreciated.
Here you can download the latest version of the new clrmame.
clrmame 0.3.1 | (zip) (4.73mb) |
Here you can download the latest version of (old) clrmamepro.
clrmamepro 32bit 4.049 | (zip) (5529kb) | clrmamepro 32bit 4.049 | (exe) (3932kb) |
clrmamepro 64bit 4.049 | (zip) (6137kb) | clrmamepro 64bit 4.049 | (exe) (4640kb) |
Here you can download the latest version of ZipMax. It's not being developed anymore.
Read the how2compile.txt & copyright.txt before compiling zipmax. Both files are available in the archive.
You may need 7zip's zip program to use it. Here you can also download Ben Jos Walbeehm's Tools: