

scanner 0.02.1

Quickly fixed a freeze when fixing some unneeded decompressed files....


scanner 0.02 and rebuilder 0.09

Some nice little fixes and add ons for the new apps. No profiler yet but already bringing in recent user feedback and there are some needed core fixes. Donations are graciously accepted ;-). Read more


Well, if you want to play around with the tools outside of the MAME world (i.e. load other datfiles which clone the XML layout from MAME (e.g. dir2dat created ones and others floating around), you can use this package.It allows you to load more datfiles than the typical MAME ones.


scanner 0.01 and rebuilder 0.08

Happy to give you the first release of the new scanner together with an updated rebuilder. If you followed the project on the forum you know that this is not yet a full clrmamepro replacement but we're on a good way. There is no profiler yet but you could already switch between some setups (e.g. a -listxml and -listsoftware profile). Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Donations are graciously accepted ;-). Read more


rebuilder 0.07

It's time again for a little rebuilder update. Aligns smoothly with the software list merge updates in cmpro plus some other minor fixes...more

Clrmamepro 4.048d released

While working on the new scanner I saw that cmpro ignores some merge possibilities for some software list entries. You may find some unneeded files in your software lists now when keeping them split merged.


Clrmamepro 4.048c released

Some minor work on delta chd messages. Keep in mind that in general there are some open issues with chdman.


Clrmamepro 4.048b released

In full merged mode, delta chd warning could show identical chds for revert...fixed that now.


Clrmamepro 4.048a released

Fix the exit/crash when finding unneeded files and limiting delta chd support to chd version >=5


Clrmamepro 4.048 released

Say hello to delta chd support and a slight fix for the MAME 260 samples. Details regarding delta chds


Clrmamepro 4.047b released

Tiny update for MAME's latest CHD feature "delta chds". I will think about additional options (like optionally marking found not-delta chds and maybe a conversion tool/update opption) but for this I need more time.


Clrmamepro 4.047a released

Wow...first cmpro update this year....a tiny but important fix where a file could get lost.


Rebuilder 0.06 released

source and destination matching is now done in multiple threads which give a nice speed boost...


Rebuilder 0.05 released

did a general unicode handling overhaul...more

....and since I had a little time and wanted to test something, I've added a tiny rebuilderUI version ;-)


Rebuilder 0.04 released

7z support is in, small speedup, detection by byte signature, selectable tempfolder...more


Clrmamepro 4.047 released

Another year comes to its end. The update only contains a small 3rd party lib update mainly to put zlib to a current status.

Enjoy the holiday season, merry xmas and a happy, healthy and peaceful 2023.


Rebuilder 0.03 released

Added hard/sym link support plus real moves (instead of copy/delete) on single file transfers.


Clrmamepro 4.046b released

Another small rare thing fixed


Rebuilder 0.02 released

Full/standalone merged sets in decompresses sets can't be stored in subfolders. Same for CHDs.

Clrmamepro 4.046a released

Only did some minor compatibility things for the rebuilder tool


Clrmamepro 4.046 released

Only did some minor compatibility things for the rebuilder tool


Rebuilder 0.01 released

Yes...something new, something fast, something I've enjoyed coding. Rebuilder is a small commandline tool which has some advantages over the rebuilder in clrmamepro. Faster, Standalone merge mode, CHD rebuild to name a few.


Clrmamepro 4.045 released

I've overseen a little sideeffect on full merged sets in grab the new one.


Clrmamepro 4.044d released

while working on something completely different, I found 2 minor things to fix....


Clrmamepro 4.044c released

little fix for scanner's fix-missing which might silently replace a file


Clrmamepro 4.044b released

mainly a little xml parser fix

You want to donate...

clrmamepro is totally free and you don't have to donate anything. Since a lot people asked me how they can donate something, I added a PayPal account.

Thanks a lot for all kind of donations. Your support is highly appreciated.



Here you can download the latest version of the new Scanner and Rebuilder.

scanner 0.02.1 and rebuilder 0.09 (zip) (7.87mb)

Here you can download the latest version of clrmamepro.

clrmamepro 32bit 4.048d (zip) (5527kb)
clrmamepro 32bit 4.048d (exe) (3926kb)
clrmamepro 64bit 4.048d (zip) (6165kb)
clrmamepro 64bit 4.048d (exe) (4659kb)

Change Log


  • fixed: softwarelists can lack some possible mergings
  • fixed: possible assertion during delta checks


  • fixed: wrong "Error while..." message after delta operation succeeded but backup is disabled.
  • misc: minor changes to the delta output messages


  • fixed: wrong delta chd proposals in full merged mode (identical chds)


  • fixed: unneeded scan crashes/exits
  • misc: limiting delta chd support for chd version >=5


  • added: delta chd support, show warnings, support convert/revert of chds
  • fixed: MAME 260 "samples" issue (is shown as unneeded and not found)

Vista/Windows7/8/10 user note:

If you install cmpro to a protected folder like C:\program files\, you have to set the compatibility properties of cmpro.exe to 'run this program as administrator' to work correctly or you have to disable UAC. In other folders it should work fine without setting this property and without the need of disabling UAC.

Linux WINE/Mac Crossover user note:

If you got problems with the main window, set the option 'Adv_HideWindow = off' in cmpro.ini. In case you don't have a cmpro.ini yet, create one with the following two lines:
Adv_HideWindow = off

Windows 9x/XP Users:

Update your OS!, no really, update your OS


How to use this piece of software...

clrmamepro 4.x documentation is currently under complete rewrite....

clrmamepro 3.x documentation can be found here

In the meantime tutorials might help you:


Good old ZipMax

Here you can download the latest version of ZipMax. It's not being developed anymore.

Read the how2compile.txt & copyright.txt before compiling zipmax. Both files are available in the archive.

You may need 7zip's zip program to use it. Here you can also download Ben Jos Walbeehm's Tools:


History can be found here.