November roundup

December 1st, 2017

As the time I’m writing it’s been two days that MAME 0.192 has been released:
Stuff you might have missed cause you don’t read whatsnew exe (it’s a common mistake):

– Correct colors in Syusse Oozumou (left: wrong, right: correct)



– Likewise for Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In! / Photo Finish:


– Fixed a day one bug regarding Blazing Tornado where sprites disappears after finishing the game.
Side effect is that it corrected the ending too (disregard the odd black pens, probably background shouldn’t be there in the first place, pending further investigations):

– Rewritten the Marine Date driver from scratch, now a lot more accurate video wise. Collision detection is still an issue so marked not working for the time being (it was in the older driver too):

– Added a protection simulation for Ping Pong King:

– Preliminary sound for Cycle Maabou/Sky Destroyer:

– Rewritten Flower driver, also fixed various video bugs along the way (most notable one is the priority at the last stage of a loop):


– Fixed polyline bug not drawing with Dynamite Deka/Die Hard Arcade:


– Fixed missing RNG elements in Sly Spy/Secret Agent: apparently there’s an unknown device servicing some kind of number generator for various elements in the game, which also makes the game harder than before.
Comparison video:

– Improved shadow/highlight stuff for Chequered Flag:

Boolean Diary – part 10

August 30th, 2017

Corrected scrolling and zooming for Grand Striker HW games.
This fixes Tecmo World Cup ’94 graphics:

Also fixed a protection logic check involving tournament properly giving correct match number now and potentially be completable:


Boolean Diary – Part 09

August 12th, 2017

Fixed a long-standing bug with joystick inputs being bogusly dropped while crouching or running in Beraboh Man:

Boolean Diary – part 08

May 10th, 2017

Fixed scenery walking enemies in Legionnaire and Heated Barrel, they both uses a variation of the 138e macro where last opcode is an addition instead of a subtraction.
This translates in angles being Y inverted, and the macro is effectively used by enemies to check out playfield boundaries.

Both games can be assumed working at this point.

Spot the difference game (Boolean Diary – part 07)

March 7th, 2017

Fixed subtle color pen bug in Continental Circus, i.e. the black dots that are in first screenshot:
