Posts Tagged ‘good’

Each generation be thinkin’ that the next one is whack

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

Working at the Yumefuda colors.It appears to use the b000-b0ff region as two individual banks splitted in half (and the HW itself calls colors in the 0-7 range).Additionally color bits appears to be scrambled,so the madness is complete.

Preliminary screenshot:


It doesn’t help that I’m doing wild guesses based on the Hanafuda based-games…

In the other news,fixed the input and the sound in Good,so that the game is fully playable in the next version.

*edit* found the proper way,uses xRRRRRGG|GGGBBBBB format,used in some M68k games but is really weird to apply it in a Z80 HW game:
