2 Days Drill

I’ve passed last few days into converting the Taito F3 video chip (TC0630FDP) from 32-bit to 16-bit parallelism. Why a masochistic task like that, you might ask? Because I’ve realized that by simply converting 2 Minutes Drill to tilemaps, and the HW really looked a bit too complex to my tastes … 2 days of coding later and this game shows huge improvements, mainly because it uses lots of zooming / rowscroll effects.
Game is still not playable mainly because it’s an half mechanical / half videogame, but oh well …

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As for the other news – the rumors are true. Starting from this dev cycle I’m the new MAME lead coordinator, taking over duties for Aaron Giles. Some generic guidelines of regarding what I expect to do for the project will follow soon, but for now I’ll take the chance to thank Aaron for all the work he has done for the MAME project as a contributor and coordinator for so many years.

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