Posts Tagged ‘pc-xt’

All work and no play makes Tetris a dull game

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

Converted the “unknown” Tetris set to the Filetto (now pcxt.c) driver,it runs perfectly with some small gfx issues (and popped up it’s actually a PC XT with a S3 video card attached to it). Korean bootleg of Tetris? (see snap two,this is 1988-ish)




Anyway,the site host have reorganized some stuff there,so you should change your bookmarks to and your rss to ,sorry for this inconvenient but it was necessary for some reasons…

*edit* fixed color attributes in text mode & colors in bitmap mode in the driver:





The Chain Reaction

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Made Filetto working by adding the proper device emulation:

Yesterday I’ve started to look at Balloon & Balloon (Eolith),it still doesn’t work due of Flash ROM emulation:

Notice that this is just a break from the ST-V driver,it is still that my first priority.

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