Archive for November, 2008

And now,as a bonus beaucount…

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

Dox recently dumped a PCB version of Treasure Island (running on the Burger Time HW),it boots fine but there are encryption issues so it isn’t working…

Then I’ve looked at a Pro Tennis romset,which runs too on the Burger Time HW (rom-swap of Disco No. 1).It’s a pity it’s not an original PCB but a bootleg that is really likely to be a lot similar to the original one:

While I was looking at these,another Data East romset got my attention: a fortune teller machine with a LED array as a display named Destiny Horoscope.

Destiny Horoscope mng

(Notes: video emulation is probably full (!) and I don’t know if it will be added to MAME,we’ll see…)

I came to bring the pain

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Looking at Double Wings protection,first of all to fix the protection jump vectors in it.Protection works in a easier way than expected,to say in the simplest words I can use it’s a “fan type jump vectors” (i.e. only a few possible results are expected).

The Chain Reaction

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Made Filetto working by adding the proper device emulation:

Yesterday I’ve started to look at Balloon & Balloon (Eolith),it still doesn’t work due of Flash ROM emulation:

Notice that this is just a break from the ST-V driver,it is still that my first priority.

I’m tired of the Chattanooga empty

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Currently working at some ST-V bitmap issues,at the moment for fixing the backgrounds/foregronds in Virtual Mahjong 2 – My Fair Lady

…which is annoying as hell because it’s using a mix between the zooming,the window system and I dunno which else (translated: the black on the snap are the requirements needed to fill with).
Once that this is done I would like to fix at least these other two bugs:

Elan Doree 4bpp “presents” msg at attract mode

Pro Mahjong Kiwame S flames on title screen

Edit: first game fixed (the remaining black is probably caused by an imperfect visible area):

Edit 2: second game fixed (caused by a wrong implementation of the window effects):

edit 3: found why this is giving bad colors,it is a mix between missing alpha blending effect and a (possible) SH-2 core bug: