UME (Universal Machine Emulator) combines the features of MAME and MESS into a single multi-purpose emulator. The project represents a natural course of development for the emulators which already share large amounts of code and is part of an ongoing effort to unify development efforts and provide a single emulation platform for users and developers alike.
As an end user this means that the software provided here is not only capable of emulating arcade machines like the baseline versions of MAME, but in addition can emulate a large number of home computers and consoles from across the world using the very same code, developed by the very same team of developers.
0.147u3 Windows binaries (32-bit and 64-bit) (Self Extracting 7-zip)
0.147u3 Source (7-zip)
What’s New
You can read the various whatsnew files on
From MAME, From MESS
Points of Interest
This is the first *official* build to contain Planet Probe, featured in updates below, it also contains the preliminary work I’ve done on NeoCD (I have more changes pending to fix the sound, but until I get to the bottom of some issues they break more than they fix, so haven’t been submitted at this time)
Luca’s work on some Korean Hanafuda games, as well as the Italian title ‘Harem’ is also included.
After working on the Amiga code a bit for u2 I took a look at CD32 this time around and fixed some inputs there, meaning you can actually start various games, although most have graphical issues rendering them unplayable, Pinball Fantasies does however work much like the regular AGA version but without the hassle of the disks, Vital Light is somewhat playable, as are some of the games in the Big 6 Dizzy Collection, however the main attraction there, the AGA version of Fantastic Dizzy does not run correctly.
From a ‘direction’ standpoint Olivier Galibert’s rewrite of the m6502 cores to be cycle accurate is significant, moreso when you consider the possibility of waitstates / stalls on the horizon if core improvements are made because having a cycle exact core in the first place can be absolutely vital if you’re going to be stalling things at the correct time eg. in the middle of an opcode, or calculating how long you’re meant to stall for based on which part of an opcode you’re currently performing the read/write or fetch from. The Z80 will need similar treatment at some point in the future. From a MAME perspective you’re probably not going to see any benefit from this as 99.9% of arcade games really don’t care, but many home systems need a greater degree of accuracy and are really the driving force behind real project improvements these days, not the arcade games; that’s one reason I do these UME builds as they better demonstrate where improvements are coming from over a plain MAME build.
Olivier has also continued to improve the floppy emulation code, although we’re still lacking restored dsk support in the CPC drivers, which is a shame because I was wanting to give a test run to some speccy stuff which uses the same format, but still, improvements are good to see, it would appear that getting floppy emulation code to work reliably across many different platforms is one of the more annoying challenges in MESS as some systems really don’t behave to spec.
MSX lovers might want to check out some sprite fixes there, a hack which was causing too many sprites to be shown in some situations was removed, this was breaking some masking effects and the like.
This release also sees lots of small changes made across both projects, too many to really sum up here, so be sure to also check the actual whatsnew files and see if anything catches your eye.
Screenshots Related to this Update
Big 6 Dizzy Collection – Menu
the menu is rather horrible, nasty animated background, sluggish cursor movement etc. It has all the instructions to read, but gives a bad first impression!

Big 6 Dizzy Collection – Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
this will always be the weakest of the games (poor level design, and controlling your jumps in mid-air means it just isn’t a *real* Dizzy game) but it seems to work
Big 6 Dizzy Collection – Fantastic Dizzy
I love the SMS version of this, it’s basically a Dizzy Megamix incorporating ideas, puzzles and minigames from every Dizzy game before it, while introducing many new ones of it’s own. It’s one of the few Dizzy games where the 16-bit ports really felt good too, shame the CD32 version with it’s special AGA enhancements barely works here
Big 6 Dizzy Collection – Magicland Dizzy
bouncy colourful and well-drawn this one, the physics don’t feel quite right compared to the 8-bit versions, but it’s a very playable game, you kill these ghosts with a power-pill ;-)
Big 6 Dizzy Collection – Spellbound Dizzy
The biggest Dizzy game which was part of the original 8-bit series (so not counting Fantastic Dizzy) but I always had bad experiences with the Amiga version. I owned the original of it and was always granted infinite lives and it had game breaking bugs in various situations (usually with the Whale deciding to vanish from the game completely) Interestingly in WinUAE I don’t get the infinite lives problem with the floppy version (I haven’t tried this CD version) but in MESS this CD certainly exhibits the same problems I remember on the original system, so I’m not quite sure what the situation is.
Big 6 Dizzy Collection – Treasure Island Dizzy
An odd one, this was the first Dizzy game released on the 16-bits (the original game wasn’t ported) and in some sense it feel close to the 8-bit games, right down to the screen update being every 4 frames, but at the same time the Amiga / ST releases of this had a lot of extra rooms compared to the Speccy version, and some of the additional puzzles involved are just bizzare and various extra parts require you to jump into what look like enemies to get coins which doesn’t really work on a game where you have one life and no energy bar. I don’t like the graphics either.
Big 6 Dizzy Collection – Prince of the Yolkfolk
One of the smallest Dizzy games, but also one of the more polished, definitely an enjoyable entry level game, and the 16-bit versions like this one aren’t too bad; it feels, and looks a lot like Magicland Dizzy
Vital Light
The best arcade game ever invented.. except I don’t think it was ever released as an arcade game! Some graphical effects are missing, most notably the aim line, but it’s not too hard to play even without it, I wonder how many of these AGA / CD32 fixes would actually be quite simple to figure out / implement.
Vital Light is an arcade game then, it says it on the screen? Can you put it in Mame because I want to play it in Mame, not in this Ume :-) :-) :-)
You don’t happen to be running the CD32 in NTSC mode, are you? A very large number of games are not NTSC-safe, and will display a lot of graphical glitches, or outright lock up at seemingly random times when run in NTSC mode. A common one is that they’ll display their menu and title screen just fine, but then lock up right before actual gameplay starts, leaving you wondering what the hell happened.
I have a fairly large CD32 collection, and being that I live in North America, the timing issues have been a major headache for me when trying to play games. It’s sort of debatable as to whether the system was even officially released in North America.
One other amazingly bizarre problem that a few games have is that you have to put the disc in the system AFTER the little intro movie has played… if you turn the system on with the disc in the drive, the game will crash. I forget the exact reason for this, but I seem to recall it had something to do with memory not being freed correctly. I’m not really sure how this might affect emulation. Theme Park and Kang-Fu definitely had this problem, and I think Fears did as well. Lots of lazy programming going on with this system, sadly.
No, the Amiga emulation is just (very) incomplete, AGA moreso :-) Diggers (which has a dedicated NTSC version) will actually moan right now if you attempt to run the NTSC version because we only emulate the PAL system.
I think the NTSC/PAL issue is the same for most Amiga systems tho, the vast majority of the software was developed over here with PAL setups, and not really tested on NTSC systems at all, it’s certainly not something which crossed my mind even once when working on Amiga software ;-)
I’ll keep in mind that Theme Park / Kung-Fu issue, it will be important in the future because MESS assumes the CD is already in if you launch via softlists, those will probably need some special case to force you to manually insert the disc rather than auto-mounting it.
I noticed (during my testing) that Liberation: Captive 2 also only seems to accept gameplay input from the 2nd controller port, not the primary one, that could be a MESS bug too, but again it just feels more like some lazy programming where they’ve assumed there is a mouse in the first port.
It is sadly a very lazy system with a lot of games simply being Amiga titles copied to CD and many of the others being badly tested, I didn’t own one myself at the time, but knew somebody who did and he hated it. While it’s undeniable the Amiga had some classic games it also had some severe limitations in what you could do, placing a lot more work on the CPU than something like the Genesis and while that didn’t matter so much to the Amiga as a computer it really meant it wasn’t that competitive as a console. I thought they would have realized that from the CDTV!
Also to reply to the original poster, no, it won’t be in MAME.
MAME doesn’t emulate ‘Arcade’ games, it emulates Coin-operated games which were present in the arcades (or in the case of unfinished prototypes, not present in the arcades and not always coin operated)
Vital Light is an ‘Arcade’ game in the sense of genre, not market, so it doesn’t count.
Anyway, if I was to put this in MAME it would be running the same code as it’s running here in UME, there is no difference, UME is MAME, MESS is MAME it’s all the same thing, but with the added ability to run extra software.
Really, I want to bang my head against the desk sometimes, why is it people will only run things when they’re in MAME, not when they’re in a project which is the same as MAME? It’s the same experience.
I’d guess that’s because of the lack of a good “UMEUI”.
Even if i think the xxxUI thing is a nonsense in the days of great frontends like QMC2 that works way better.
Maybe, but the UI builds have been a pile of sh*t for a long time now, I think it’s a momentum / routine thing.
I have a feeling even if I resurrected the old MESSUI code (which had softlist capabilities etc.) for UMEUI people still would refuse to use it because it’s not MAME and not MAMEUI, and they only want to use MAMEUI.
I’m not going to resurrect *UI because I think it’s awful, and QMC2 is a more than worthy replacement, but again it seems people won’t use that, not based on functionality or because it lacks promotion, but because it’s not MAMEUI and isn’t integrated like MAMEUI is.
Just seems no matter how I try to improve the MESS side of things, or promote the MESS side of things by showing areas which are improving, games which are playable even if the system as a whole is still preliminary etc. people aren’t going to use it, which means an awful lot of effort is just going to waste.
I don’t know if that’s the bulk of the users opinion, but this project and QMC2 have seen me tentatively step back into programming. And when I say that, I mean compiling things myself which has been, partly, enforced by using Ubuntu and Fedora Linux (specific drivers and such).
In doing so, I’ve learned a lot more about how mame, mess and ume are put together and wonder at the foresight to manage such a huge cross-platform, multi-title piece of software AND to keep it usable for the consumer.
Also, QMC2 is a great frontend which I gladly contributed to, and is the only way I use ume. I’m still not cmdline compatible and switch between terminal and gui multiple times per session in Ubuntu. I am somewhat keyboard shortcut friendly though.
So, in summary, thanks for all the effort past and present and I look forward to the day I can upgrade to an 8-core plus PC to see what can be done with multi-cpu emulators… that’s when my wonder of programming stays in the clouds and sees me downloading pre-made builds. I feel like lurking on a board somewhere and waxing about pipelined 680×0 code…
HI Haze! Do you think that on the next version of Mame (0.147u4) we can hear ghox’s sound finally?
And with ghox’s sound chip is it possible “decap” Vimana,Fire shark,Teki paki sound?
Each game will need the audio MCU decapping individually (it contains all the music patterns etc. specific to each game)
Nobody seems to be decapping anything at the moment, and we’ve never had a successful decap on the chip type it uses.
I don’t plan on adding ugly hacks to the driver to play samples instead of running the sound MCU (that would just be gross) so until the above situation changes it will remain silent in official versions.
The MCU also supplies some 68k code, this might be why the High Score table has a missing background in MAME, without a dump of the MCU I wouldn’t really trust the emulation to be accurate.
@ SmileFace >> allow me to clear up a things for you. First, there was MAME (which does arcade games). Then, there was the spin-off MESS (console/computer games). Now, there’s UME (both combined). So, I would suggest you forget about MAME and just use UME instead ;) I’m assuming you’re not the kind of user who likes to use the command line and want a GUI. QMC2 is a good option, as mentioned before, but I respectfully feel the software I’ve been working on blows QMC2 out of the water in terms of user friendliness, customizability, features and scope. I’m working hard towards a first release.
PooshhMao > I think some confusion is coming from the term arcade game.
NeoCD games are ‘arcade’ games, as in the game type / genre, something you’d pick up, play, put down, starting from scratch in a single session.
Vital Light likewise bills itself as an ‘arcade’ game, because in some virtual world connected with the story it’s an arcade game.
Likewise these days you have/had Xbox Live Arcade, these are ‘Arcade’ games, but not Arcade games too..
Despite being ‘Arcade’ games, none of the above will be supported in MAME because MAME is using a different definition of Arcade
If you walk into an actual physical Arcade today where the old ones were all you’ll see is Casino machines, very little obvious signs of their more glorious past and the social gaming scene that used to thrive there.
In general use the term today means something completely different to what it did back then so people without knowledge of the 80s/90s I’m guessing aren’t really familiar with the term ‘Arcade’ in the sense MAME uses it, only in the modern sense, as a genre.
That’s why I’ve tried to clarify it, MAME isn’t so much an Arcade emulator because it doesn’t emulate ‘Aracde’ games if using today’s terminology but instead it’s more of a Coin-Op emulator, it emulates Coin-Operated machines, which we used to call Arcade games.
That’s the problem with classic arcades and arcade games being dead for the most part, the term has come to be more strongly associated with a genre than a place.
I’m seeing this more and more with real people too I talk to in person, anybody I talk to under the age of about 24-25 needs me to explain exactly what I mean by arcade games because they’re completely unfamiliar with the term in the context it’s typically used in emulation circles.
Completely random question here Haze but whats the current status on the visual glitches in Denjin Makai in mame? Figured I might as well ask considering I seem to remember you were the one that initially got it playable.
Currently almost all of the visual glitches involve bad colors in the backgrounds (mostly large grey sections)
Theres a video playthrough of the pcb uploaded here for reference:
Parts 1:
Parts 2:
Parts 3:
It shows that all the instances of the bad grey background sections in mame are supposed to be solid black. The one other thing it shows is that the score counter doesn’t display the excess zero’s like it does in mame.
Not sure if you already knew this stuff or not but I thought I’d let you know.
Background register is a bit of a mystery, or more to the point, we don’t really know how the BG Colour is selected, it’s not a simple case of making it black because that will break some other cases.
Score thing is interesting because that’s the one thing the protection chip handles on this game (it’s the same chip as Raiden 2 etc. believe it or not, they just barely used it) I’ll ask Kale if he’s done anything to address that recently, I’m not up to speed with all the latest changes made there.
Ok Kale says he’s already aware of the issue. I guess it’s just another one of the many things with that chip which will need extensive testing, only furthering that not even the simple stuff is simple with it ;-)
Hehe indeed.
Also its interesting to note that in mame during the main character Makai’s ending there is first a panning image that displays fine before the entire screen becomes garbled. In the last one of those japanese capture vids I posted the ending can be seen properly and after the panning image there is a big static image that appears of the characters. I guess thats a ‘background’ hence being garbled in mame?
The incorrect mame version of the ending can be seen here at 42:05
Also just before that you can see during that robot’s ending that there are some priority issues too. This can be seen at a couple of other places in the game, most noticeably in the last boss room when he is sitting down (37:23 in the video)
the 42:05 bug is odd, looks like a layer should be disabled, or tilebank is wrong (most likely), not sure what to make of that one, could be an interesting case to check.
and yeah there are some priority issues, unfortunately kale’s tests didn’t tell us much there because I’m pretty sure the board he was testing on has a different mixer step, the Banpresto games clearly need an extra priority bit which seemed to have no effect on his board (we need that to get the priority even just as good as we have it now)
Thanks for the info
There are the good chance for fix the remain Denjin Makai graphic issue…
nobody is working on the seibu hardware at the moment, I think it’s had it’s bi-yearly work done now for the next 2 years.
The way Denjin Makai uses the protection on the score counters has always baffled me. I remember when the game first became playable the score counters didn’t work properly at all, but soon afterwards all the score calculations started to work fine. So now it seems the only problem being caused by the protection is that the extra zero’s are being displayed on the score counter?
*as an interesting note, Denjin Makai has a score system where being on high life (blue gauge) gives normal point values, being on medium life (yellow gauge) gives x2 score, and low health (red gauge) is x4. Needless to say trying to get a super high score by always being on red health can be pretty damn exciting hahaha especially considering you only have one life in the game, unless of course you use continues, though using continues makes you unable to put your name on the high score list.
The score counters are ‘just’ some BCD conversion registers, write a number as a regular integer value, read it out again as BCD (so 4 bits for each number)
Our code probably assumes all unused digits in the output to be 0, when really I guess they should be invalid, untouched, or the content of some other register.
Denjin of course sets up the DMA registers for the per-frame buffer copy etc. (although it’s hard to really call that ‘protection’ because they never move during the games and are executed every frame)
The game also uploads a set of macro tables etc. just like any other, but never calls them.
but yeah, it just seems like they either stuffed a minimal amount of protection in at the last minute, or somehow accidentally forgot to actually enable their protection in the final build (maybe it was buggy?)
Haha, it sure would be interesting to interview one of the developers and ask them about this stuff ;) Denjin and the sequel Guardians were the only arcade games Winky Soft ever developed, after having previous history mostly developing and publishing their own PC games in the 80’s before become an exclusive developer for Banpresto and a lot of the Super Robot Wars games. During this time I guess Banpresto tried experimenting and just told them to try make a cool ass final fight clone. After the 90’s they became independent from Banpresto and still develop stuff today (their website still lists all their game history)
Denjin Makai also has the distinction of having one of the most famous manga names attached to it – Go Nagai did the artwork for the poster, something barely anyone knows about due to it not being listed on his english or japanese wiki or anything
Banpresto sure did have a lot of money to throw around back then.
These games look better than the others here, planet probe looked like ugly junk where as these appear pretty with the cartoon style and rainbow effects. I hope to play them in mame soon, in 0148 for the new year that would make my day?
Didn’t know where else to post this, but –
Great to see some s4 progress again, but any layout tools yet?
Unfortunately not, for all the talk of a ‘modern’ (game engine-like) presentation layer from some devs nothing happened, but creating tools just for the old one seems a bit pointless.
The SC4 work is blasting through all the sets giving them what they need to pass the initial startup reel checks + doing some further identification etc. (I consider the basics a machine needs to be integral to the emulation, whereas for some emus it’s part of the layouts)
Obviously this gets things a bit further and is grounds for further progress, and I do plan on doing some preliminary internal layouts for several sets as part of this process.
I’m ever more curious as to what some sound roms belong to tho, with no traces of games by some of the names anywhere outside of fruit machine dats and the rom headers.
I’m going to try and make some improvements to other drivers and give them similar treatment to what you’re seeing here too, in the end it’s all going to help :-)
An important bug was also fixed in MAME recently which was causing non-video games to not update their displays properly, the net result is that things flash in a more pleasing way now (still need proper lamp on/off decay type functions, but experimenting with that is also on my todo list for the next few months)
Obviously this work has to be interleaved with other things, like the Puzzli 2 PGM work I’ve promised a few people I’ll do too :-)
Did you get update access to the source, or are they just properly authoring updates now? (notice git has author dhaywood, when before your nick would be included in the commit msg but not as author) just curious. keep up the interesting work
Yes, my access has been properly restored now, which is good because working on things like these Fruit Machines was difficult otherwise because they’re the kind of thing you want to be able to work on in little pieces and check things in at regular intervals.
Thanks for the reply Haze about the SC4, it’s very much appreciated.
Hallo Haze!
As i test,in 147u3,i see a great progress in Heated Barrel,and now i finished it !
There are some points,the game freezes,but if you save and load often,especially after level 4 you can past through!
All Boses are playable now!
I Know that’s no good for your standarts but it is a progress!
seibu cup soccer surprised me, starts and looks graphically good, the cpu players do a runner when the game starts quite funny, good to see the old footy games getting there slowly :)
Ehhhh. I want a normal GUI with graphic filters.
I can see in the link here
>>> <<<
please crash your car and die in the accident THANKS
Sorry to post this here. I’ve been looking for softlist-compatible NES roms but unable to find them. I’m not asking to tell me where they can be found, but I’m guessing there’s a way to convert the commonly found good dumps? Is there a tool out there for this purpose?
the easiest way is to use ucon64
as you can see in the readme, the option -s splits iNES files into what ucon64 calls “pasofami” format
commandline should be something like
ucon64 -s myrom.nes
I think you can also pass a whole directory (of uncompressed .nes files) as argument, for a batch splitting
nikos / blizzard – yeah the Seibu games had some noticable improvements across the board after the last batch of fixes from Kale 2-3 months back, although many (serious) issues still remain. There was a point where you could ‘play’ zero team to the end (with mostly broken collisions) but that broke again trying to fix something else (based on HW tests)
progress on those drivers is still slow tho, they tend to be picked up every year or 2 when people have fresh ideas. I think in the end it will need somebody with the hardware at hand, and tools to do their own trojaning if they’re to be figured out, having to do tests through a 3rd party is too time consuming and not always reliable (because they might not know what to watch out for)
As for the ‘ruining MAME with fruit machines’ post, seriously? ruining MAME? you want me to *die* because I’ve been putting in a lot of effort to make progress? MAME does exactly what it has always done, nothing is ruined, it still plays all the terrible vs fighter games or whatever it is you probably like instead. If you don’t like the gambling games you can ignore them, they need documenting properly tho.
GUIs, you’re best using QMC2, I’ve said before I think QMC2 should become an official part of MAME and bundled / compiled with MAME. MAMEUI is effectively dead, it’s only going to get worse as it becomes less and less compatible with the current MAME codebase and is hacked to continue running. I *strongly* advise people migrate away from the MAMEUI based builds sooner rather than later.
Graphic Filters, MAME has HLSL, that’s the most authentic one around, and while I wouldn’t *oppose* the rest in MAME in some form you’re never going to see them in an official build (unless somebody does a more generic shader plugin and writes them all as shaders a bit like SDLMAME has, at which point they become 0 maintenance)
NES stuff, what eta says is accurate.
Can you just convert MAME to only emulate fruit machines forever?
In QMC2 have graphic filters and overclocking the CPU?
QMC2 is a frontend, not an emulator.
I just have a quick PGM question regarding Oriental Legend, is there any correct dump for the Chinese version of 112? I’ve tried multiple different emulators and roms, but booting up v112 (Chinese Board) always just actually boots up the international 112 version (in the start up screen it says for use outside the asian countries, and in the bios it says V112X)
Supposedly the Chinese/Taiwanese version of 112 is the standard version, as it defaults the difficulty to normal and allows for extra lives at certain point amounts.
Mame also has to be more precise in the naming of regions instead of simply saying ‘Chinese Board’, because the Hong Kong versions are different to the China/Taiwan versions. The Hong Kong versions contain English text and still have Oriental Legend written on the title screen. The China/Taiwan versions have completely Chinese text and the title screen is the Chinese name instead of ‘Oriental Legend’.
The only reason I know that is from watching video’s of the China version, I’m still completely dumbfounded as to why those versions are booting up as the international versions in mame though.
Thanks for any help.
IGS versioning is a mess, especially on Oriental Legend.
The one marked as Chinese Board no doubt came from a chinese board, but it’s the protection device which supplies the actual region, with each set of program roms supporting multiple regions.
beyond that the actual sets are a mess, and appear to be a mess from the factory, there are multiple instances where we have sets with the same version number (if you go by the rom labels) but different build dates, or even no build dates at all.
there is a fake dipswitch to select the china region on any of the oriental legend sets, which simulates a different return sequence from the protection device (it should really be moved to the game configuraiton menu tho, I’ll do that next time I update the driver) For Oriental Legend the protection device seems to be some kind of gate array / status machine, not a CPU we can dump and emulate.
currently the killing blade only runs as one region because we don’t have a valid protection return sequence for that one (the region side of that one is some kind of state machine, like oriental legend, although there is a dma protection on top of that)
for the ones where we do emulate the MCU I’ve left a fake config switch hooked up to override the region provided by the device to avoid regressing functionality because the region comes from a byte in the internal rom (which is important to still allow as it helps people identify things properly)
Yeah I see the dipswitch now. Previously I never even bothered looking at the dipswitch menu at all because I was just using the bios screen.
I wonder if there are any undumped ‘Taiwan’ sets? The fake dipswitches only allow for it to boot with the ‘China’ region in the startup, but surely there was a ‘Taiwan’ boot up as well? Not that I really care much considering its identical to the China region, but I’m curious anyway.
I guess its not worthwhile for anyone to try sort out the version naming mess until the protection is fully understood. I suppose the protection is also the reason for the still inaccurate sound? (Though I seem to recall the sound being a lot worse in the past…)
Anyway, thanks for the info!
I think some of the sets accept protection sequences we don’t handle yet and instead will just throw an error, the Taiwan region is probably one of those (as I imagine Japan would be)
As you can see, trying to change the region ‘dip’ on the parent set will throw a ‘version error’ message, which generally means it isn’t happy with what it gets from the protection device, either because it wants something else, or that set simply can’t support the region you’re asking it to.
Aside from the missing sequences the protection on Oriental Legend is pretty much understood and isn’t responsible for any sound issues, those are simply down to incomplete emulation of the sound chip.
Oriental Legend is the first PGM game, and unsurprisingly the least protected.