This one is actually just based off MESS SVN revision 13871, so I’m not 100% sure which MAME version it’s synced to, but it’s post 0.144u4 for sure.
The process is simpler than it’s ever been right now, requiring minimal changes, in essence just a tool to combine the lists, and a new build target. A source diff of the needed changes is here.
I’m simply offering a single package this time, this includes
complete.exe / complete64.exe – 32-bit and 64-bit builds of the combined binary
as well as the rather redundant
mame.exe / mame64.exe – 32-bit and 64-bit builds of just the MAME target
mess.exe / mess64.exe – 32-bit and 64-bit builds of just the MESS target.
32-bit and 64-bit compiles of the tools are included in tools32/tools64 folders too
the full source is in there as well.
You can download that package here. It’s quite big because as mentioned above, I’ve just included all the builds for both 32-bit and 64-bit as well as the source.
To build the complete source do ‘make TARGET=complete’ although it’s recommended you build ‘TARGET=mess’ first if you want all the tools tho as it avoids a minor linker problem with some MESS-specific tools (needs looking into, probably something trivial)
Saturn Puzzle Games
The Saturn was just one of many Sega products which failed to achieve the same heights outside Japan as within it. To many it is considered a failure, beaten hands down by the Playstation, with little of worth to offer. Granted, it might not have been a 3D powerhouse, I’d be hard pressed to actually call it a 3D system, and the arcade ports of various fighters might not be quite as amazingly arcade perfect as some of the fanboys rave on about as if some great injustice has been done to the system, but, it had its fair share of interesting titles, especially in Japan.
Over the last few weeks I’ve been going through the Saturn Software List in MESS, which can be found in the UltimateMAME build to try and get an overall picture of how much of the Saturn library is actually dumped. If you factor out demo versions of games, the situation isn’t too bad, there are only a handful of games which don’t appear to be dumped at all, although frustratingly many are dumped to low standards, some just cheap iso + mp3 rips, even for relatively popular games. Also frustrating is that the Ultraman ROM cartridge (needed by that specific game) doesn’t seem to be dumped at all, that would have been an interesting project to get working moreso than the KOF95 one, which is dumped.
Anyway, needless to say a couple of titles have caught my eye. I’ve always enjoyed puzzle games, everything from the likes of the staple titles of Tetris, Columns, and Puyo Puyo to the more obscure ones. Mushihimetama for example was by far the most interesting of the Cave SH3 games to me as it was a true sequel to the absolutely brilliant Uopoko.

The classics – The Saturn actually has a port of Columns 1 (and the rest) as part of the Sega Ages Columns collection. It seems only Puyo Puyo 2 was ported tho, not the original.
Not Saturn, but two of my absolute favourites Uopoko and Mushihimetama, which I feel could have been influenced by one of the games featured later in the article, keep reading!
Back to the Saturn, amongst the many dating simulations, fortune tellers, JRPGs and board game conversions the Japanese library also has a large selection of Puzzle games. Many of these are arcade conversions which from a gameplay point of view are rather made redundant by the emulation of the actual arcade versions in MAME although some do offer extra modes. Below are a selection of comparison shots.

Deroon Dero Dero (Arcade left, Saturn right)
Magical Drop 3 (Arcade left, Saturn right)
Monster Slider (Arcade left, Saturn right) This one is very different, not a straight port at all!
Puzzle Bobble 2X (Arcade left, Saturn right)
Tekimori Puzzledama (Arcade left, Saturn right)
There are more too. I wanted to include a few more, but the emulation of Mouja seems to be broken in the current version of MAME, and a couple of the Saturn titles don’t work in the MESS driver (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 runs in slow motion even at full framerate) but luckily, for the most part, the emulation of the puzzle style games holds up a lot better than the overall Saturn compatibility in MESS, which is sketchy at best. The Saturn also naturally got conversions of many of the ST-V puzzlers such as Columns ’97, Baku Baku Animal, and Puyo Puyo Sun, as well as ports of number of the C/C2 hardware games (Sega seemed to have had some easy way to either port or emulate Genesis based games on the platform) Interestingly the arcade game Mausuke no Ojama the World does not appear to have been released on the Saturn despite being on ST-V arcade hardware, a real shame because it’s probably my favourite puzzler on the system, the unique mechanic of having to link things diagonally to give them power before you get rid of them make it shine.

Mausuke no Ojama the World, ran on Saturn hardware in the Arcades, but didn’t get a home release?
None of that is all too interesting on its own tho, games you’ve seen before. Thankfully the Saturn also had a couple of unique puzzlers of its own, maybe not exclusives (I really haven’t checked) but non-arcade conversions nevertheless.
Pastel Muses
Uopoko was mentioned earlier, and that’s what Pastel Muses reminds me of the most. It predates Uopoko by a few years, but relies on a similar game mechanic of having to hold down a button longer to fire your ball projectile further, clearly an idea borrowed from the various pinball and pachinko machines but one which at the time wasn’t extensively used in arcade puzzle games. Pastel Muses differs from Uopoko in that you’re also in rough control of the direction of your projectile, although you’ll often set it once for a level and leave it so the overall feeling is similar, the guide line which you get during the first few levels also vanishes in the same way so you need to get a feeling for the power levels quickly. Did this game actually influence those later Cave titles? You have to wonder, Cave were certainly aware of the Saturn as they produced several games for it.

Tenchi Muyou! Rensa Hitsuyou
This one is easy to overlook, the name doesn’t stand out to an English reader as ‘Puzzle Game’ but it actually stands up as one of the better games on the platform. You’re initially presented with a poor quality ‘Pioneer LDC’ video sequence, that alone might be enough to put you off the title or lead you into thinking it’s some poor laserdisc conversion, but persevere, and much better looking attract / title screens arrive.
The game again follows the simple ‘Connect 3’ equal algorithm, the playfield in this case isn’t entirely flat which changes your link patterns a little, but the real twist with this game comes from the water. Rather than your traditional ‘drop lots of blocks on opponent’s attacks which you commonly find in this type of game you instead cause the water level to rise on your opponent’s side of the screen. This has the interesting effect of causing new blocks which aren’t anchored down with the special anchor items to float. It’s a simple change, and truth be told it might even confuse you at first, but once you work out what’s going on it does successfully add a new dimension to a tried puzzle formula. In game this is another really well presented title, and I can have no complaints about either the graphics or the sound. Emulation seems a little slow, running at around 80% speed on my system, which surprises me for such a simple game, it’s likely there is room for some optimization in the driver to help here.

Kururin Pa!
Another block dropper, this one takes the ‘pipe’ block approach, dropping pieces resembling those found in Pipe Dream, although in this case they’re actually ropes, or to be more precise, fuses. Bomb items will drop, too, as will fire icons. Drop the fire on the end of a fuse and any correctly connected blocks will burn, drop it on a bomb and that bomb will explode, lighting any surrounding fuses. It might sound complex, but it really isn’t. Like most games you’re playing against a computer opponent trying to do the same thing, as time goes on the speed increases, but the controls always remain sharp and snappy which is a big plus.
The only thing that really lets the game down is the presentation, and while there is nothing really wrong with the graphics (apart from the Title screen which simply burns your eyes out) they’re very plain, and remain functional rather than fancy. Of course with these types of games it’s really the gameplay that counts, you could create an absolutely gorgeous game, but if it simply offers nothing beyond that it wouldn’t be worth playing, unlike this, which most definitely is.

Shingata Kururin Pa!
Shingata Kururin Pa! is actually the sequel to Kururin Pa! and manages to address a good number of the previously raised concerns about the graphics. It’s more stylish, has a lot more animation, and is overall a lot more polished, but somehow it just didn’t seem to play as well, but maybe that’s just me.

PD Ultraman Link
Ultraman games are usually considered terrible. The Saturn fighter which uses a ROM cart is often ridiculed for how poor it is, and the other Saturn Ultraman releases just appear to be some kind of infobook / FMV game hybrid type things.
Ultraman Link breaks the trend a little, by not actually being terrible, and despite using CG rendered graphics for the most part it even looks good with smooth colour gradients and no ugly dithering. The game, like Kururin Pa uses ‘pipe’ type pieces falling into a pit. The rules here are very different tho, linking 3 or more pipe pieces together causes them to disappear, regardless of colour, although linking blocks of the same colour seems to be most beneficial if I’m understanding the rules correctly. The secret as always is chaining, but because the pipe pieces only have links on certain sides this requires different thinking to your standard stack + chain methods used in the likes of Puyo Puyo; you have to carefully think about where the links are on your pieces rather than the colours.
As a game it seems to play well, I can’t say I’ve put as much time into this one as the others mentioned, but the brief times I played it I did enjoy it, and will be coming back to it again at some point.

Pappara Paoon
Ecole Software, I’ve heard of them, they were behind the rather popular Melty Blood games. It surprises me therefore that this title seems so bad. It feels like a poor public domain Amiga game coded in AMOS. It’s ugly, has horrible controls, and a from what I can tell, a completely uninspired game design.
The gameplay is horizontal, you link X pieces in a row much as you would in Columns, all while your opponent is trying to do the same. I might have to come back to this one later, because I feel I must be missing something, or letting the poor presentation values sway my judgement on the quality of the game too much.

Tsuukai! Slot Shooting
From looking at screenshots I thought this might be some kind of Puzzle game. After playing it, I’ve concluded that it really doesn’t seem to be, you just seem to have to shoot the falling crabs before they have time to accumulate below. Not a great deal of fun.

Make Your Own
The Saturn also has a piece of software designed to help you make your own games of this type. Sadly it’s entirely in Japanese, full of menus, and I don’t understand a word of it. I couldn’t even work out if it comes with any built in games, a real shame this kind of thing didn’t get released outside of Japan. It’s called “Ochige Designer Tsukutte Pon!” apparently.

There were other puzzle games on the Saturn which haven’t been mentioned yet too. The Saturn had its very own version of Tetris dubbed “Tetris S”, but that doesn’t work in MESS / UM yet. “Heisei Tensai Bakabon Susume! Bakabons” looks like it could be worth playing too, but the inputs don’t work.
There were also a good number of ‘Puzzling’ games which don’t quite fit in this genre due to being more action based. Things like ‘Noon’ and ‘Tama’ both look to be worth playing, the former runs in MESS / UM, the latter again lacks working inputs.
Overall if you enjoyed this genre the then a Japanese Saturn was well worth owning, between the excellent arcade conversions and the original titles there’s enough puzzle action to keep you busy for a long, long time.
Very nice… :)
Oh and fwiw this change has been submitted too.
(and I don’t know how the comments got turned off here, when I added the Saturn stuff, that wasn’t intentional)
So did you cooperate with any front-end builder to make a nice front-end that actually fully supports ultimame as is?
Nothing new on the frontend side I’m afraid.
MAMEUI is just too broken.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, it should work fine with the for-MESS builds of QMC2 tho.
There is one front-end I have know of that will allow using with UltimateMAME’s complete.exe as well as MAME, MESS and other emulators too.
Sorry if I did not put this post in the right place
I do not have anyone to turn to fix the emulation of a game (Space Battle Galactica-taito-Brazil) that belonged to a time of great happiness in my life.
I have the original hardware boards (it’s all right about the sounds too, minus the noise of snoring takeoff of aircraft)
watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z60ewMRyqSs
MAME with the driver of an Indian Battle recognize sound (noise of aircraft taking off) when the galactica is played by him, and I do not know ’cause the original hardware fails (perhaps lacking a link to this and I do not know how)
This hardware also runs the game INDIAN BATTLE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQznDYAW37E)
The driver (MAME) INDIAN BATTLE NORMALLY works Galactica space battle
The crucial difference is that the Indian driver This battle can emulate the sound of snoring aircraft (DRIVER IN Galactica OFFICER CAN NOT MAME)
Let me explain: The Galactica’s official driver in MAME plays all sounds except the sound of takeoffs of aircraft, see and hear:
The roar of planes appears when the game is played with the DRIVER OF INDIAN BATTLE, right?
I do the following: I put the roms Galactica with the same names of the Indian driver and play the game NORMALLY (but only with the sound of the roar of AIRCRAFT) ..
The difference is that the sound produced when playing this driver and the sound it generates is only the roar of planes and not heard NOTHING MORE!
So I concluded that the sound is that of the Indian MUSIC BECAUSE batle when playing the Indian battle (note: without the SAMPLES folder), the only sound that is generated is just the background music, and the same goes for when playing galactica the SOM that is generated is just the snoring AIRCRAFT!
This above video is played with the samples folder (not the folder that appears the only sound is the background music)
This video below is the DRIVER OF THE GAME BOWLING MAME THAT BELONGS TO INDIAN BATTLE (note: the folder with samples without the directory only if the snoring HEAR OF AIRCRAFT)!
Absolute certainty: The background music produced by the Indian battle game emulated by Grandmaster DERRICK Renauld, resolves the issue:
Let me explain: The correlation FUND OF INDIAN MUSIC BATTLE = is the production of the aircraft snoring.
WHY 2 games when played by this driver (Indian battle), only plays a sound (without the samples folder), ie, when the Indian is played, is heard only the music is played for fundo.Quando galactica, is heard only the snoring of the aircraft.
So .. The key question is how Derrick has done to the music of the Indian battle (one that says, .. 1,2,3 little Indians ..) has been emulated and deploys it on the driver’s official GALACTICA
If you know how to contact him I thank
amazing stuff! it would be awesome to have it built also for other platforms… osx?
thank you for your effort!
I imagine it would work fine with the SDL target if somebody wanted to build it for OSX, but I don’t have a Mac myself to either build or test ;-)
i managed to compile it and it works great so far, i’ll provide a prebuilt binary when i’ll fix a problem with the compiler and sdl.
ps. i edited a bit the “complete.c” so the binary is recognized as a mess executable and it works correctly with qmc2-mess, which i guess is more suited than qmc2-mame ;)
Ah right, QMC rejects it if those details aren’t what’s expected? Sounds like bad design on the part of QMC because functionality is obviously the same anyway, but good to know it works if you trick it into thinking it’s just MESS.
As I’ve said before, I’ve never really felt the need to use the frontends myself, so I’m not THAT familiar with them :-)
I’d like to have the fixed version that lord_muad_dib made, but for Windows.
Hopefully QMC’s author will adjust this little detail.
If you compile it using mess.c renamed in place of complete.c then it will operate as mess, with mess.ini etc.
I was using something closer to mame.c because MAME is the base project, but I guess QMC only wants to operate in MESS mode if the binary identifies as MESS and uses a mess.ini. It should probably just be an option in QMC tho, or QMC should simply always be in MESS mode, just with most of the advanced functionality hidden by default. The projects both operate in the same way anyway, even if baseline MAME isn’t making use of *all* the functionality.
Anyway, I’m not going to stop people posting builds, might even offer them compiled that way here if people want :-)
Again it’s a shame this isn’t an official target / distribution because then people would almost certainly be buillding alt-platform versions automatically, and the frontends etc. would know it needed supporting to be fully compliant. I still have a feeling it will end up being ‘official’ eventually, but there’s a big question mark over if there will actually be any interest left in either project by that point anyway.
Something that should be added to MAME?
I made some comments about it on the shmups forums. I’m not really happy with the code, it’s a bit hacky or at least appears to be (‘magic’ tables and such which only work for specific games make me wonder if things still aren’t REALLY understood but instead have been coded around the needs of specific games)
I’d like to see some hardware evidence of where that logic comes from, given that the actual sprite chips are basically the same between games (probably 2 revisions of the basic hardware) which ideally should allow the code to be collapsed down to less update functions and a proper device conversion of the sprite generator, not expanded into more and further diverged / fragmented.
For the PGM stuff I’m already factoring it into the next update. Note, it’s likely Puzzli2 is fetching table data and the like for level pointers, so probably can’t be done without HW tests if you want to trust the levels you get.
@huggy: i just edited a couple of lines, nothing fancy. i’ll provide a diff to the source, i guess haze already knows what to do tho
i’ll try to compile it for windows but i don’t want to start a fork of a fork of a fork :D
i still have to fix some stupid bugs with osx lion and sdl (d’oh)
i’m not a mess/mame dev but, in my opinion, since the complete build is an entirely new beast, it would be better if frontends mainteiners would support it on their side, providing a better game/device listing layout.. instead of disgising it to mame or mess.
as a fan of both projects i dreamed a merging for so long. i don’t know if current developers would regain some will to code after a complete merge, but i’m sure that the whole project will have more visibility.
i bet more people will join the cause, and both crews can still work the same as before, they’re building up different shapes of swords, but they’re using the same source of steel anyway ;)
I think the best way to offer it / advertise it would be as described before, offering 3 separate official downloads.
MAME (complete binary)
MAMECLASSIC (arcade component only) – maybe even stripped of the Mechanical stuff, which to me was closer to what MESS supported anyway.
MESS (console component only)
all promoted / available from the official MAME site.
the simple reason being that MAME is the trademarked and recognized name, so people will see it as the parent project whatever. That’s half the problem MESS has right now, despite being around for just as long it isn’t a known name*.
This doesn’t require any real additional work in building, because the combined binary can simply be linked from the code compiled for the individual ones, it just requires an extra package to be uploaded. It would also properly sync / unify the versioning of the projects, right now MAME/MESS can suffer from different core bugs on the same ‘version’ because they’re built from different trees.
By promoting the combined version as the default target you ensure that people working on hardware that is used in both projects (of which there is a lot) know they need to work on the code in both sides, and by keeping the individual targets they also know they have to keep their code organized / correctly placed so that it links correctly.
By identifying the Arcade only version as ‘MAMECLASSIC’ frontends know they can still choose to target only that, and not claim ‘full’ MAME compliance. More ambitious front-ends can support the full thing.
* You see the same with iMAME, even if there are better emulators ported to many mobile platforms (FBA and the like) people for some reason think that ‘MAME’ is newsworthy even if it’s an ancient and rather useless version!
People have raised issues like thinking that people would be confused about where to go for support, but people aren’t that stupid, they know if they’re running an arcade title or a console title, and a simple note on the relevant bug tracker pages could point them in the right direction.
MESS kinda sounds like it would be a beta or unstable branch…
Perhaps something like this would do
MAME (complete binary)
MAMEARCADE (arcade component only)
MAMECONSOLE (console component only)
Well, yeah, the ‘MESS’ name has been awful from the start IMHO. Many Open Source / free projects have that problem, the developers just don’t seem to get how to ‘sell’ or advertise their project.
What’s OpenOffice called now? The Facebook alternative? Their Photoshop alternative? and those are just the common ones you stand a chance of guessing. I can fire up a Linux desktop today and be left wondering what half the apps are. They use names nobody can connect with, and while MESS does roll off the tongue more easily it is almost saying ‘this is shit’ from the name alone…
The thing is, MESS *does* have some users, who will identify it with that, so clearly showing that MESS is the console component of the combined binary means they’ll be lead to the right place still, and also means if a decision is made to split them again further down the line that identity is still there. That’s my line of thinking with it anyway.
1 – de sa i na – Designer
2 – ku i kku me – ka – Quick Maker
3 – ru – re tto ma shi n – Roulette Machine
4 – sa n pa ru ge – mu – Sample Game
5 – ro – do ge – mu – Load Game
6 – ge – mu pu re i – Game Play
7 – o pu sho n – Option
You probably want option 4.. if you have more screens I don’t mind translating them.
here’s a binary i made for osX of Complete, it should work fine on snow leopard 10.6 and lion 10.7, 64bit only.
i edited the source a bit so it works as expected with mess-ish frontends
you need sdl framework:
ps. it seems that fullscreen on lion is bugged for now, but it’s due the stable branch of sdl library that is quite old.
thanks Haze! keep up the good work!
I was finally able to try this out today and encountered an error while compiling. I did a git clone of mess (mess seems to include mame now when doing a clone), downloaded the diff, ran endings on the diff (compiling on linux), patched, and then tried to compile. I recieved an error during the Linking phase. I received an error dealing with pc_speaker_get_spk(running_machine) being defined twice, once in mame as ibmpc.a other in mess as pc.a. Do I still need to clone mame, and copy mess over it? Was there a step I missed? Thanks for all your work.
there’s a conflict in the current SVN/GIT tress for MAME/MESS, I alerted Kale about it already, but it needs a fix, one set of functions and their callers probably needs renaming, or depending on the scope, making static (or given that they’re probably basically the same thing, better merging). I’ll probably forward him a patch to resolve it being as it’s been a few days already :-)
just use this pcxt.c in place of the src/mame/drivers one for now if you want to avoid the linker error.
I’m trying to make sense of the Indian Battle / Space Battle Galactica post, but I’m guessing it’s been put through a translation program before being posted…
The sound hardware on most of these Taito games is discrete, so is emulated on a per game basis depending on the circuits.
I think the poster is trying to say that Galactica is missing some sounds by default, but those sound play correctly in the Indian Battle driver (although the other sounds for the game are lost)
This isn’t something I’m familiar with, but maybe somebody who has worked on adding this can look into it.
and thanks to cantido for the translations, I’ll see if there is any interesting ‘sample game’ there then, most of the options just presented me with more walls of text, dialogs and choices, so I gave up quickly before :-)
As per the front-end thing, besides hacking the to populate the DB and have other commandline args, both external and internal launchmode in arcan (arcanfe.sf.net) worked out of the box here (on ubuntu 11.10).
A family tragedy got in the way and will stop me for a few weeks, but it didn’t take many hours of hacking to have two instances of ultimateMame running bublbobl arcade+nes and a capturecardfeed with I/O interf. to the PCB running in my cab, all fed by the same input viewed side by side just to see how far I’d get — the nes version died around level 2, mame and pcb survived “somewhat synched” to level 3 ;-)
Anyhow, nice work haze. UltimateMAME is the only thing running on my ex.mame cab now ;-)
And that did the trick. Thanks!
É uma honra estar aqui contigo!
Desculpe, Sorry, tranlations errors…
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O Grandmaster Derrick Arnoud está lá tambem
Eu ficarei eternamente AGRADECIDO por sua ATENÇÃO e colaboração, muito obrigado e desculpe, sorry por não ter conseguido me expressar corretamente
Saudações e THANK YOU