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MAME work and other stuff
March 5, 2019 Haze Categories: General News. 4 Comments on Geigeki Go Go Shooting

While I do still have plenty to write about regarding JAKKS material that was purchased during my previous donation drive (much of it is supported in MAME 0.207) I haven’t found time between actually emulating stuff to do a comprehensive writeup for all of it yet (and for many of the items we still have to hope that Sean can find a way to dump them, but that’s the research side of things) Meanwhile another box of things that Peter Wilhelmsen purchased and ShouTime helped get shipped out of Japan arrived with Sean for dumping, one of those games being Geigeki Go Go Shooting. Sean dumped it (it was one of the easier cases) and it runs pretty much correctly without any modifications to the existing emulation.

There’s a warm feeling being able to emulate this kind of platform exclusive as the game wasn’t ported anywhere, so outside of the real hardware, emulation in MAME is the only way you can experience it. This will be supported in MAME 0.208.

This one could actually be interesting for other reasons too. According to the ‘Game Developer Research Institute’ hosted on smspower this game was programmed by Fupac, a company headed by a former employee of Compile, so could easily be in some ways influenced by earlier Compile material.

The game plays very well, and offers a range of difficulty options (including a ‘Super Hard’ mode where the bullets are very fast) The hitbox is of reasonable size for your ship (not too big, not too small) and everything is very responsive. It feels like a game developed by somebody with a liking for shmups. It even gets things like resetting your score on continue correct. Here are some screenshots.

Opening screens, menus etc.

Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting
Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting
Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting

Stage 1

Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting
Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting
Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting

Stage 2

Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting
Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting

Stage 3

Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting
Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting

Stage 4

Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting
Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting

Stage 5

Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting
Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting Geigeki Go Go Shooting

The screenshots are all stills from an emulation video I made, that can be seen here. The sound emulation isn’t perfect, but it holds up fairly well.

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The game supports 1 or 2 players, each player having a dedicated Joystick, they looked like this.

Geigeki Go Go Shooting


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Very nice Haze & friends for getting this plus making it work too. I love newly working games especially games that wasn’t made for the english language as sometimes they can be more great than you would have thought.

taitotypex, sega ringedge, ringwide, hyperneogeo64 Do you have a work to emulate systems

I already answered you elsewhere a week ago. No, I will not be working on those systems.

sait mert are you really that dense?

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