UME is the complete/combined version of the MAME / MESS project.
*edit* I’m calling these unofficial designations ‘ex’ now instead of ‘x’ because WordPress and Google have an annoying habbit of changing ‘x’ to a multiply symbol by default when surrounded by 2 numbers (such as 151 and 1 ;-)
As there was no official UME 0.151 (my site was down) I’ve decided at this point to post an ‘0.151ex1’ build. This is based on SVN revision 26162 with no further modifications (so no CaveSH3 games etc. like those nasty hacked 151 builds that have been circulating)
The main reason I’m putting this out is because I’ve progressed emulation of ‘The Gladiator’ to a point where I think it could do with public testing, the game appears to behave correctly in my brief personal tests (although for some reason there’s no music when set to Japan despite the internal Rom dumped being from a Japanese PCB so I’ve hacked it to another region for now)
The changelog (simply a copy/paste of the SVN log) can be read here. This isn’t formatted as a whatsnew, but as usual I’ll summarize the main points below. This is the full change list since 0.150×2 because I didn’t release a 0.151 build.
UME 0.151ex1 Windows binaries – 32-bit, 64-bit and all tools
UME 0.151ex1 sources
Points of Interest
As mentioned above the main reason for issuing this is the current progress in the emulation of IGS title ‘The Gladiator’

(I’ve marked ‘The Gladiator’ as working in UME 0.151ex1)
However there are a couple of other interesting additions made since the previous release, including some in MAME/MESS 0.151 I’d like to take the time to highlight… (to be continued)
With slightly less colours on the screen than The Gladiator we have one of the most significant recent additions, a game called ‘Long Beach’ by Italian developer Olympia (with Seletron) this is a 1979 game, and wasn’t very common even at the time, so it’s fantastic that it’s been found and emulated (ANY dumped it, hap emulated it) Current lacks sound (discrete circuits like so many early games)

(Long Beach is an Italian developed game from 1979)
One recent dump highlighting the strengths of MESS is Thunderbolt 2, a Genesis / Megadrive Chinese original, like most unlicensed Chinese games it has protection. UME/MESS can emulate this protection rather than requiring a patched ROM like other emulators (although obviously if you want to test it on real hardware with a flash cart or something the patched dump is essential) It’s nothing spectacular, but still reasonably enjoyable for what it is and was added to the known software list recently.

(Thunderbolt 2 can be emulated in UME / MESS without requiring ROM patches)
It didn’t get mentioned in the 0.151 whatsnew but one of the most important additions (if you’re enjoying the progress you’ve seen with The Gladiator over the past few days) was the correct internal ROM for ‘The Killing Blade Plus’ which allowed for the game to become fully playable and gave many hints at how The Gladiator should work.

(0.151 saw ‘The Killing Blade Plus’ promoted to working, that acted as a precursor to emulation of ‘The Gladiator’)
I always end up talking a bit about new clones in these updates too, and this is no exception. Usually the first thing I mention is new Japanese sets of games where previously only World / USA ones were dumped, but this time we see the reverse too. A World revision of Sega’s Strike Fighter was dumped, although differences are only minor as it isn’t a text heavy game. The playing instructions screen is the most obvious place where there is now English text in the parent set.

A Burger Time clone with a ‘Data East USA’ copyright also showed up, this is unusual as the version distributed in the US was more commonly the ‘Bally Midway’ licensed version.

Naturally there are some new Japanese clones, and one of the most interesting is the a Japanese clone of Final Fight with the same date code as the ‘ffightub’ clone. Being a Japanese version however it’s likely better balanced than the USA release, and I assume the versions with date codes shown are newer than the ones without, so it’s probably the newest / final Japanese set so if that kind of thing interests you it’s a nice find.

Basilio Garcia also dumped yet another Spanish version of Scramble, this one from well known manufacturer Recreativos Franco, that game must have been exceptionally popular over there! This is by far the most polished of the bootlegs, maybe it was an actual license?

Great work guys getting the gladiator finally emulated
it turns out the killing blade bootleg board was a real find and a huge help certainly might also help with
spectral vs generation then again maybe not ;)
Just wondering how’s the game over error sorted??
The game basically appears to want to trigger a ‘soft reset’ with different flags set in certain cases, one of them being game over, another being initial coin insertion.
that’s based on analysing The Killing Blade Plus at least, and it seems the way I implemented it works, at least in my brief testing.
Ok sounds good the proofs in the pudding i guess people will play the shit outta this game im sure if there’s any bugs people will find em then again maybe there wont be any ;) i hope so and again great work gettin this game playable many thanks
can you provide roms thegladpcb_igs027a.bin ? not found
No, you’re on your own for finding the roms, obviously I can’t post them here.
Will you also be posting the legacy package as well?
nah, for the ‘x’ builds Mametesters etc. don’t recognize them because they’re not official designated revisions, it’s just a personal thing, so I’d rather not pollute the world with legacy MAME/MESS builds marked as such.
too fast !!! great work best games of this motherboard igs has been emulated please think about hyperneogeo64 specially racing game road edge and extreme rally
for final fight there is final fight 3 in supernitendo not emulated yet to complete final fight series lol
yeah, I believe there is a bootleg of Final Fight 3 for the arcades.. although I wouldn’t really say those things were especially interesting ;-)
games dosent work they say missing or required chd files?
now work well i forget to put bios bgm^^ but still lag
Haze, regarding The Gladiator, how can I set the game to English? I tried changing the PGM bios (there are v1 and v2), but they don’t affect the game’s language at all. Any hints?
on real hardware? you can’t, the protection chip determines the region.
until we’ve read out more chips I’ve left the faking of that area of the internal ROM in the game configuration menu like the other PGM titles tho.
No, I was not asking about the real hardware. Just on MAME.
btw, anybody got any other good free video providers I could use instead of YouTube, this whole ‘must have a Google+ account to even leave a comment’ thing is complete bullshit, and I’d rather drop YT than force people to create G+ accounts to comment on the videos.
My answer may have implied that I already figured out how to change the language. You say “in the configuration menu like the other PGM titles”, but I can not make anything out of it. Sorry for acting like a total noob, but I really want to test it in English.
Hi again Haze,
Confirmed rom wave.u9 contains extra samples for the japan region for thegladpcb.
best regards,
this is the PCB we dumped, it’s a Japan PCB (I think all PCBs are Japan and all carts are non-Japan)
I guess wave.u29 at the top is the extra rom, maybe it’s only on the PCBs …
Find the rom on google or ask for Jackc, not here.
each time i test gladiator or the killing blade not work for me ?
the builds I provide here are set to english by default.. if it’s not running in english delete your cfg files..
make sure you’re using the emulator posted here, and have the correct romsets..
if that doesn’t work delete old files from nvram and cfg folders then try again.
Thanks, that did the trick!
Keep up the great work man!
the rom wave.u29 is only on the PCB version of The Gladiator and contains extra samples for the Japanese region. I’ve tested thegladpcb being set to Japan with this rom added (thanks to iq_132) with FBA debug build and i could say the music plays fine (without any region hack)…The Japanese tunes are simply different from the others regions so it explains why the PCB version does not play music without ROM wave.u29 (it needs this rom to play variant tunes for japan).
best regards,
best regards,
Haze, you will come back to the bannister board or you want make a break for an indefinite period of time?
I don’t see the point, I tolerated the forum / shoutbox for a while, but you as you know you get censored even for talking about fingerprint scanners on phones there, it’s not really a neutral place for discussion.
If I do log back in it will be simply to check if ANY has tried to contact me regarding carket ball or similar.
Yeah I’ve added that now..
I’ve also asked rtw to verify it on his PCB, I don’t think software this really had the tools to dump these things which is why the roms were in multiple parts and glued together.
The Japanese music is horrific, doesn’t suit the game at all, don’t know why they changed it!
Nice, And that’s probably why the PCB version has some musics from demonfront :)
Honnestly don’t know why they changed music and title screen for the Japanese market.
Concerning wave.u29, effectively i guess it is better to ask rtw to verify and/or redump it to be sure the rom is not bad dumped.
I thank iq_132 for discovering that this rom is necessary to play music for the Japan PCB version of The Gladiator.
Are you sure it’s not simply the same u29 as the demontfront one? It would just have been a confusion or a last time replacement for some copyright issues?
no, it’s a unique rom, but yeah might have been due to a copyright issue, people have said most of the music in DDP2 is stolen for example so maybe that applied to some of the music here too ;-) it’s possible AMI / Alta thought the Japanese market would be more sensitive to that, but of course we’ll never know ;-)
Thanks again haze for your work,
I was very sad to have sold my catridge version :)
Does it means that you have now tools/methode to dump every IGS027A roms from the other games excepting the execute only area of the last ones?
And so can we expect to get approx all those games working properly in a few time?
But it’s OK to be active on another forum/tracker known for censorship and other shady actions towards contributing members?
Thx Haze, The Gladiator is a really good game. btw its possible activate scale effects in UME? (like 2xSai,Super2xSai or HQ2x).
I hope that “Santa Haze” and “Kale” bring to us good news in this year in “Seibu COP driver” ;)
Sure it’s okay..
Why should he go on a forum presided over by R “My sole useful contribution to mame this month has been changing a few lines of code in the Hornet driver/I don’t contribute any real progress anymore, but I like to bitch about the work of devs that do behind their back/I quit the sc3n3 and it made no noticeable difference Boo Hoo!” B?
I’ve searched everywhere on the net for thegladpcb_igs027a.bin file , but i couldn’t find it, pleae Haze , give me just a hint,where it could be!
“you get censored …” That´s true. It is one of the reasons, why I’m not very active anymore.
no, but you have the HLSL from baseline MAME, you can use that to create more authentic CRT simulations if you desire…
it’s not too hard to find, but like I said above, I can’t really help with this issue.
“it’s not too hard to find” Just found it in 1 min.
Chinese language is your friend ; )
But for me, MM is the only MAME game what is interesting.
can you uplaod to me your right rom gladiator and killing blade
Thanks. In the interrim for this, I had a go at compiling meself. Not too difficult, but I’ll stick with the unofficially official builds for the time being, methinks. ;)