*edit* here are some pictures from the ‘V201’ cartridge version too. It’s changed a bit, there is no AMI logo on the title screen and the vocal track that was used every 2nd round appears to have been removed. The alt versions of 2 of the characters are also unlocked by default.

Until now there was one IGS PGM game in MAME that failed to show anything, that game was Spectral Vs. Generation.
Luckily after dealing with The Gladiator this one didn’t present a huge challenge, rtw was able to run some tests on a the game for me and it now works, took a while to spot a rather obvious error in our code, but after finding that everything appears to work as expected. Thanks to Smitdogg for loaning the game for tests.
Trivia: according to Wikipedia Idea Factory (who developed this game) is formed from former Data East employees, giving some identity to what would otherwise seem a rather obscure arcade developer. Unlike most games on the PGM platform this did get a home port, to the PS2. I don’t know how the arcade version compares.

Here is a video of it running, it seems to highlight some deficiencies in our current ICS sound emulation.
There you go again emulating things you never thought you’d be able to. :)
Great Haze! I hope that Puzzle Star will be next and
forgive me about “Blitter Delay paternity” on two previous post :(
good job! And now only Photoy2k2 left is not emulated in PGM driver
I think it’s time to retire IGS027A. What do you think about IGS036 for PGM2?
Nice work Haze :)
This game was also released on the Sony PSP but you neglected to mention it :p
Nice Work Guys early xmas present for all Mame Users
Thanks Haze for all your job in the emulation.
was wondering if the game can also display in English
Nice job Haze.
Now just hope someone will loan his svg PGM cart for some testing and for dumping and extracting the datas from the internal ARM7 rom.
Haze continue to kick your butt.
Thanks man.
The 027A is still a formidable protection chip when used appropriately, there are probably hundreds of IGS casino / redemption style games that are going to be very difficult to emulate as a result of it, likewise full simulation of what it does in some other PGM games could still be difficult; Puzzli 2 was not easy to emulate!
036 is better encrypted than 027A, beyond that I don’t know much about it. I’d assume it’s an ARM, and we know it has internal ROM like the 027A.
will someone make an intermediate MAME version + rom , so we can play this wonderful game ? :D
It’s not exactly only PY2K2.. consider the following
Puzzle Star (fails after first set of levels)
Happy 6 (can’t coin up)
Flash 3-in-1 (protection not simulated at all yet)
Photo Y2k2 (protection not simulated at all yet)
+ some bootlegs using their own cloned protection chips..
also for Dragon World 3 + Dragon World EX our simulation is still flawed (crash on continue), I don’t trust the KOV Plus simulation 100%, there could still be bugs in the Oriental Legend Super simulation, Knights of Valor Superheroes Plus is having to rely on a hacked up Knights of Valor Superheroes ARM program when they could have rebalanced things..
and of course there’s the dumping of alt revision / region internal roms for what we have to allow for removal of hacks etc.
I said Spectral Vs. Generation was the last game to not show anything, but there are still many other games in there needing work.
Why are you telling Haze to kick his own arse?
That would be physically impossible unless his legs are detachable….
“No sence at all on you” =/
Nice work. Normally I’m not much of an IGS fan, but this game is definitely mind-blowing.
You fail it.
Your skill is not enough!
Looks great man, nice work.
I figured with recent events it might be nice to just receive a “thank you” without any back-handed nonsense. ;)
I noticed that the second round music is always the same. Is the board behavior the same?
Kind of annoying if they intentionally made it so that the round winner’s music always play.
it’s like that in the only recordings I’ve seen from the PCB version, the cart version is different, and has this music stripped out.. The video was recorded using the emulation of the PCB version instead, I might upload another video of the cart one later.
Thanks Haze.
Strange decision on the designer’s part.
I guess they loved the vocals so much, they decided we would love to hear them every second round :D
I didn’t think the PGM hardware really had games going into 2005 onwards. This looks really impressive.
The vocals were hilarious too: sounded like “WATCH THE AMAZING-GA SPIIIIIDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMAAAAAAAAAAAN” for half of it. :D
As for whether it does that vocal music for Round 2 in other versions, what I watched of the PS2 version and this other video I found (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4k9uIr4NOs – no info on whether it’s PCB or cart version) it doesn’t seem to occur, so I guess it’s another one of those butchering cases.
Dammit why can’t I edit my own posts. The video I linked above the music plays on Final Round, but not Round 2.
Not sure what to make of it now, and my apologies for post clutter.
Tell me a story i donĀ“t know bro…