UME is the complete/combined version of the MAME / MESS project.
Official whatsnew texts for (MAME, MESS) provide full details of what has changed since 0.160.
This is based on the official ‘mame0161’ tagged version at GitHub.
UME 0.161 Windows binaries – 32-bit, 64-bit and all tools
(source matches official source distribution, here for completeness)
Other Binaries (if you don’t know what these are you don’t need them)
MAME/MESS split 0.161 Windows binaries – 32-bit, 64-bit and all tools
Windows SDL builds
The regular Windows build of MAME now has an OpenGL video mode, if you’re having BSOD issues with nVidia hardware on XP try that instead of DirectDraw, it should be more compatible with existing frontends etc. than the SDL builds were. I may reassess the situation later however because I’ve found the opengl output in regular MAME to have some drawbacks, it appears to be locked to vsync causing unwanted slowdown, especially on older hardware.
However, I’ve found, at least on my older hardware that the OpenGl renderer in the baseline build doesn’t perform as well as SDLMAME, so if you’re on older nVidia/XP hardware, or using integrated Intel graphical and getting corrupt graphics you might still prefer to use the SDL builds.
SDL MAME/MESS/UME 0.161 32-bit Windows builds
SDL MAME/MESS/UME 0.161 64-bit Windows builds
Experimental binaries
MAME / MESS / UME 0.161 64-bit Windows builds, compiled using CLANG (windows_x64_clang option)
I skipped 0.160 due to lack of time. I’ve upgraded my hardware since then cutting compile times from over an hour to around 7 mins. 0.161 also brings a brand new genie based build system, so there could still be some teething issues.
Points of Interest
The main thing of interest over the last 2 months comes in the form of the emulation progress made with the old handheld games, most of these are MCU based, so simply seeing somebody dumping them is an achievement, and beyond that the work required to create artwork etc. means that the number of them we see marked as working in this release is phenomenal. Some screenshots of these running were uploaded here. Most of these require external artwork to be functional, the current artwork being used can be found here.
Ted Green’s improvements to the driver for the more recent Golden Tee games continue to be a revelation, many of them boot and can actually be played to a degree, although there are still graphical issues (of note the map display on the bottom left) and no sound. They also require a pretty beefy machine but do actually hover around 100% on my new setup (faster when unthrottled but a bit uneven when throttled as the CPU load for each individual frame varies quite a lot) Interestingly the version we have marked as ‘Golden Tee Fore 2002’ actually shows 2003, I’m not sure if that means we’re missing a real 2002 set?
*edit* they have sound, some of them just have the volume set to 0 by default, it can be adjusted in service mode. We’re definitely missing images of Golden Tee Fore! and Golden Tee Fore! 2002, all the images we have are upgraded ones (it adds an extra partition to the drive each time you upgrade, unfortunately deleting the extra partitions doesn’t reverse the process as other data is changed too)

Work was also done on the Sega ‘Spider’ system, which is really just a revised Naomi platform (not actually compatible with Naomi) which Sega used mainly for Medal style games, and some novelty products. Tetris Giant was one such release, it boots to a title screen but hangs shortly after before showing any gameplay.

A host of fixes to the GBA driver in the MESS part of the code significantly improved compatibility there.
In addition to the very rare French version of Berzerk I mentioned in an earlier update the Spanish version was also dumped thanks to Bartolomé López Giménez and Ricky2001. The Spanish version was licensed to ‘Sonic’ (or at the very least they made the cabinet and modified the game code to show ‘Sonic’) Interestingly it has far less speech than the other versions, choosing to reuse a much smaller selection of speech clips more frequently; I can only assume budget constraints.
Of course the things I’ve covered here already were also included; Table Tennis Champions, Car Hunt, Ma Cheon Ru etc.
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label was also added, although like all the SH3 based Cave titles it lacks emulation of the hardware limits so much of the slowdown is missing resulting in a much more difficult game. I’m starting to wonder if we shouldn’t just mark them as NOT WORKING until it can be emulated properly, it can be game breaking in places. For those not in the know the ‘Black Label’ version of this game is significantly reworked from the original releases and even includes a brand new soundtrack.

The Medal games Luca showed on his page are also supported.
The hard work of Couriersud and the DICE authors means that BreakOut becomes the 2nd major discrete game to show promise, it’s not yet marked as working, but can actually be played in it’s current state, runs at 60-70% speed on a 4ghz i7 tho, so be warned, it isn’t quick!

All in all it’s a ‘bit of everything’ release; I even had to dig out the old CPS2 key-finder for the new Super Puzzle Fighter 2 clone (parent)
Also of note: big improvements in the gba driver, resulting in compatibility closer to that of standalones. For instance, Pokemon Sapphire’s logo isn’t spazzing all over the place in the title screen anymore and I think some of the NES Classics may be working now (not an owner of those games so someone more informed than me please correct me if I’m wrong). If memory serves the bulk of the good stuff for this came in just after 0.160.
Runtime error.
It’s breaking QMC2 too.
No problems in the last version of UME compiled in my own computer, just with these sdlume packs :p
yeah, I don’t really expect the SDL ones to work with frontends, it’s a bit of an unusual situation running the SDL build on Windows but I’ve provided them because they can be useful. I have a feeling the libs not being static linked isn’t helping matters either.
I gave the SDL 32-bit build a runout on my XP box and it worked.
What happened with Spartan X 2 / Kung Fu Master 2 (Prototype) recently discovered and/or dumped ?
It hasn’t been dumped.
Also, I’m told it has an MCU-like chip, so even if it was dumped there could probably be protection issues (how severe I don’t know, IREM weren’t really consistent with protection)
It’s possible it won’t be dumped, I don’t know, a lot of these things are purchased and put online for show only. When good things happen they *usually* happen quietly.
Oh, I see…
Thank You for the info, probably this guy @kkcloak at was wrong about YouTube video translation from french ?!
I have been watching hap in the git repo going like mad on those handhelds. Tomy Tron marked as working sqqueeeeee uh I mean really cool stuff. :)
Is the new build system better (or just different)? Anywhere we can get a overview?
it basically uses lua scripts to generate the actual makefiles
there are some interesting features, for example it can generate actual visual studio solution files, so you can actually do MAME work that way if you want (complete with any IDE features VS has to offer when working with projects as opposed to single files)
there’s also support for building MAME with Clang on Windows (although I could only get 64-bit to work) performance isn’t as good, but it’s a stricter compiler so does help keep our code clean.
I think there might be bigger plans for it in the future, it can be a little akward right now and some devs have expressed a dislike, I guess like many things we’ll see where it goes.
Yeah I found lua to be an interesting choice. I figured CMake was what you guys would have picked. As it has all the built in code generators for making the different project types (make/sln/xcode/clang/etc)…
how can i use my .sta savestate in other version of ume?
save states are not guaranteed compatible across versions, if they don’t work they don’t work, you can’t make them work.
With the newer Golden Tee Fore! games, there is actually sound. You’ll need to go to the service menu and adjust the volume up. I think the sound value is stored on the HD or something. Trying GTF Complete I get sound that sounds good where the machine emulation is near 100%
Yeah, it does seem like some of them have the volume turned off in Service Mode, probably stored on the drives with a bunch of other stats as you say (I guess eventually we’ll have to clean things up a little)
Once you turn it on they sound pretty good :-)
Hallo Haze, when Akai Katana will be dumped? And will we see little progress for forgotten konami viper hardware emulation? Thanks!
It’s time for Demul to came out from is evil lair.
@Bluelimbo Very soon maybe.
Akai Katana has been dumped for years now. Just restricted to the usual circle of Mame people for now. Feel free to buy it, dump it and release it and if you can’t wait. Beggers are not choosers.
I see new definitive enhancements to breakout. Is it now less CPU Power hungry? Or is it only more faithfull/colorfull?
Go go couriersud!
You say compile times are around 7mins on your i7, nice! I recently upgraded from a Q6600 @2.4GHz to i7 4770K @4.2GHz and whilst definitely quicker is not quite in the 7min region. Which options would you recommend -j5?
With an i7 4770K you can go with -j9 ;)
@Banana : I didn’t noticed anything in the driver saying AK to be in very soon… ??
>> I see new definitive enhancements to breakout. Is it now less CPU Power hungry? Or is it only more faithfull/colorfull?
A little of both, now about 78% with less glitches than before, and a proper colour overlay.
I’m very very poor!! :(
mi to! :( !!
is so sad
>> Haze: yeah, I don’t really expect the SDL ones to work with frontends, it’s a bit of an unusual situation running the SDL build on Windows but I’ve provided them because they can be useful
my frontend Emu Loader have native support for SDLMAME I did it mostly to use the OpenGL renderer and GLSL feature.
I don’t know of any other frontend that supports SDL builds though.
The interesting thing about Car Hunt – Deep Scan game is that is has a 99 position ranking system, and stores 99 scores while the game is powered on. No name entry or previous score display table though. But 99 is a huge number and I’ve not heard of any other game storing this amount of scores!
Also, is Car Hunt / Deep Scan the first game to have multiple unrelated games?
@MAMEFAN no is not that.
The name of the game is added on that source, that’s all.
Both SDL and baseline versions work perfectly with Big Blue. Why wouldn’t they work with frontends?
> Also, is Car Hunt / Deep Scan the first game to have multiple unrelated games?
I don’t know, there are a couple of other vic dual games which could be contenders. It’s probably the first official platform to have 2 completely different games on one board tho. (a couple of the Pong type boards have different modes afaik, but not completely different games)
> Both SDL and baseline versions work perfectly with Big Blue. Why wouldn’t they work with frontends?
some make bad assumptions (don’t make OGL available) or launch MAME from a different path causing it to not find the support files (sdl, qt dlls etc.) I’m only echoing problems people have reported, some of which could just be user problems as users seem to think that MAME.exe has no external dependencies when really it depends on quite a few other files these days, even moreso for UME/MESS with the softlists.
> Akai Katana
I was told it will be dumped in 2022 along with SDOJ.
@haze all leis about cave games, 1st you tell before in 2017 and nos 2022? Are you drunk?
@Bluelimbo @Banana: it’s better not to ask for certain games. Just stop thinking about them, and move on with your life. They’ll eventually come out when they’ll come out. I stopped caring about Raiden II and DX for a whole decade and they were eventually released.
Sorry, i meant PROMOTED TO WORKING, not released.
I have an almost complete collection of Tiger LCD games (the round corner ones). Could these now be emulated in MAME? Would be happy to send them across to people on the dev team.
> @haze all leis about cave games, 1st you tell before in 2017 and nos 2022? Are you drunk?
every time somebody asks the dumper delays it.
> I have an almost complete collection of Tiger LCD games (the round corner ones). Could these now be emulated in MAME? Would be happy to send them across to people on the dev team.
it would depend on the types of MCU and if they can be dumped in a non-destructive way.. unfortunately even opening up the cases of some of these toys to find out can be destructive, and there are certain MCU types we still can’t dump without decapping.
the thread over at
is the best place to discuss these things.
@Haze Delay untill you have been on the Coffin. I Don´t fucking care anymore about your respect!
@Haze You are the dumper, why you even care to you delay those games, if the people don´t have the rest of their lifes left? Life is short man.
@doddle And you, stop being a asshole and make something good. Pay some money to help people on Nepal.
Mimimimimi fuck you crispx garbage. Huehuehuehue. And fuck you all.
Telling people to fuck themselves is surely the best way to get everything you want, isn’t it, Doddle? HURR HURR… :B
doddle’s posts gave me AIDS.
So is this the last version of UME? :) As now MAME is UME?
@BohBeh Thanks :)