Here are the first Work in Progress shots from The King of Fighters ’98: Ultimate Match HERO after Morten Shearman Kirkegaard and Peter Wilhelmsen dumped the internal rom.
They show that the PGM2 emulation still needs work, especially with a missing sprite enable register and screen resolution control. There is also no music at the moment, and a hardlock in attract mode.

*edit* fixed various bugs, made a video. sound is still incorrect but being worked on.
*edit2* MetalliC improved the sound emulation, it should be good now
Some pictures for the non-videoy people

This progress will be in MAME 0.193
*edit* Further bug fixes to the audio, stage music doesn’t play over intro if left in attract now.
is not a PGM2 game.
Is like a KoF 98 UM for actual consoles (PS3 or PC), but running in PGM2
Look similar, but with other fixes
Very nice!! Thanks again!!
According to some videos on youtube, the ingame screan area should take the fullscreen size.
I didn’t test already but on your screenshots it seam their is a black area in the top.
the black line on top during gameplay is correct, there are a few places that area is actually used by the game such as the continue screen where you can clearly see it needs the full 240 height to fit both the ‘you lose’ and ‘credit’ text on the screen.
the people recording the videos have likely just stretched that area off the screen because it isn’t used much.
check this video: there isn’t. The cam doesn’t move and the screen limite is always the same (calibration shown on start test also)
yes, I’ve seen the video. Calibration is only a guide.
If I cut those top lines off I also cut off the ‘You Lose’ text
if I cut the bottom lines I cut the ‘Credits’ text. All of those lines (You Lose, and Credits) are outside of the Calibration area.
320×240 is a normal resolution, 320×232 less-so.
The devs clearly used the visible area outside of the ‘safe’ zone of the calibration, but I’m almost certain you’d be able to adjust the display to show them.
nothing seems to be cut in this video, a zoom or a resolution switch should be still missing I think.
I disagree. If you use the video and put your finger where the bottom of the calibration is, then skip to somewhere ‘credits’ is displayed, you’ll see that it falls outside of the grid.
This video just has the top stretched off as an attempt to fit the grid.
I already extensively measured this.
Yes sorry you’re right : at 2″15 we can clearly see that the top screen is cut on the video compared to your screenshot for the same.
So in fact it seems to be perfectly emulated! Congrats!! :)
It is quite fantastic to think that, most of the arcade games of the 2D era are now emulated.
There are still some lacks, but very few. I am thinking about some prototypes (vertexer…).
One that I am waiting for is correct emulation of Gunpey….
Great Haze! Do you know this useful alternative site for “ONLY” information?: (link to pirated content removed)
fyi this is a updated version of the game betwine the ps2 version and final match on pc ps3
Wonderful! Thank you!
can you play with the secret chars (Rugal Goenitz, Orochi…) by pushing start button over certain chars?
no idea, I hate this type of game so I’m not going to invest any time in playing it / finding out the secrets myself.
In this version Rugal it is playable, Goenitz and Orochi
appear only in cameo sequences and controlled by the cpu.
Nice work haze kof um hero with HLSLmame filter game will be wonderfull and realistic thanks again
is the music correct ? for example when you fight KRAUSER the music doesn’t sound :( is it the board or is there a mischief or fail there ?
i mean the music in the stage of KRAUSER- MR BIG – GEESE
Excellent work haze. THX :D
Seems there are shadow problems too.
eljose> What is wrong with the “KRAUSER- MR BIG – GEESE” music, you need to be more precise in your report, I don’t hear any problems.
blue limbo> that seems unlikely, shadows are done by flashing sprites on and off, just like on the NeoGeo. PGM2 doesn’t have transparencies (PGM1/2 really aren’t even significantly better hardware than the NeoGeo in any way apart from the CPU)
thanks for explanation Haze.
i see there is some progress in crusin exotica (mame 0.192) need just some graphic issues mame missing 3d racing games if you want
I don’t really do emulation of 3D systems.
your friend metallica can do it ?
Developers work on what they want to work on, not what people tell them to work on.
I doubt he has any interest in the system.
for english go to dip switches on test mode then press f3 go to game settings and change game language chiness to english you can also max stock powers there
looks like the latest git requires “kov2nl_igs036_oversea.rom” and “blank_kov2nl_overseas_card.pg2”
does the china card works as “blank_kov2nl_overseas_card.pg2” renamed?
No, it will recognize a china card as a card but will not load or save data with it. You’re posting in the wrong place, this is an old article about kof98umh, not the kov series.
there’s a compatibility list in the comments of the latest kov3 article.